What is a "Health Coach" anyway?

In the past, when I would meet a health coach, I would think to myself “What the hell does that mean? What do you actually do?”

So, if that’s what you are asking yourself, I get it, it is a vague occupational name. And it is a relatively new field the general public still needs some education about.

What exactly do health coaches do?

They help you:

  1. Establish your goals. Goals they help with range from developing healthy eating habits, sleep routines, time management, stress reduction, anxiety and depression management, they even help people develop healthy money habits. For example, you come in with the goal to lose weight. After a few sessions it is apparent that losing sleep is causing you to be excessively hungry the next day, you and your coach explore what is keeping you awake at night. Your sleepless nights are caused by worrying about xyz in your financials. This worry is also causing you to crave sweet foods to soothe your emotions. You also don’t feel like you can communicate these concerns with your partner, so now you are also eating your emotions and words.

    Your health coaches’ job is to help you get to the root of what is bothering you and then help you find your own solutions. Your health coach may provide education on the subject (if that is their area of expertise), or they may refer you to a financial planner or marriage counselor.

  2. Gain clarity around goals. Once a goal is established, your health coach will ask questions to help you understand why this goal is so important to you. Your “Why” is what will help with discipline on days that motivation is lacking.

  3. Create a plan of action. Most people start out with lofty goals. Actually, lofty is a nice way of saying they are unattainable. Health coaches help you create specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time bound goals that will set you up for short term and long-term success.

  4. Help you trouble shoot your action plan. Sometimes a plan sounds good on paper but does not actually fit into our lifestyle. Or perhaps some lifechanging event takes place and you need to pivot. Health coaches help you revamp your action plan.

  5. Provide accountability. Sometimes you don’t have a friend or a group of friends that understand your new journey. And let’s be honest, it’s easy to fall into old habits. Health coaches help hold you accountable until you meet new community that will naturally hold you accountable as you go forward.

  6. Navigate plateaus and setbacks. No journey is linear. There will be times you need a check-in call to help navigate a plateau or setback. Health coaches are able to look at what’s going on from a global and unbiased perspective and give feedback so you can make adjustments as needed.

Health coaches do not have a mandatory degree program or licensure registration. However, many health coaches have degrees in social work, psychology, financial planning, physical therapy, nutrition or nursing. Shop for a health coach that has a background you are comfortable with or comes with references from someone you know.

*Autonomy is at the core of health coaching. You should not have to purchase a product (protein powders, meal replacements or supplements) from them to be their client. Some health coaches do have a line of products that they find work better than others, but they will educate you so you can shop elsewhere if you desire and make your own educated decision on what you are consuming.

You can learn more about my education and specialty training here: Heidi Gill — Heidi Gill (nourishingpractices.com)

Now you know what a health coach does. If you have a question not covered here, send me a message and I will be glad to answer.